Giving Opportunities

Vials in a lab


Research within the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program is focused on one of the most critical problems of modern times - cardiovascular disease. As the number one killer of Americans, this disease claims the lives of nearly one million Americans every year. Through biomedical research and education, we seek to improve the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cure of cardiovascular diseases.

Making a Difference

Your support does make a difference! We invite you to become a partner with the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program and the Sarver Heart Center in our mission. Your gift will help move research forward to bring us closer to prevent and find treatment for cardiovascular disease. We seek to involve the community as ongoing partners in our mission to conquer cardiovascular diseases. Every dollar brings us closer to the vision of the Sarver Heart Center – that is "a future free of heart and vascular disease."

Scientific Discovery

Contributions enable scientific teams to advance their novel research and projects in ways that are simply not possible through outside grant funding. As national grants and state funding become more and more scarce, private funding will play an increasingly important role in the work of medical research.

Fostering New Investigators

Private philanthropy fuels the work of young investigators (including undergraduate, graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows and new Assistant Professors) by providing resources to further their innovative and creative ideas. This “bridge funding” allows them to gather preliminary results as they work to secure national funding and gain independence. The Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program has been very successful at fostering this growth – precisely because of the funding from our friends and supporters like you.

Inspiring Collaborations

Senior faculty members also benefit from your generosity. These additional funds allow seasoned investigators to advance their area of research focus by purchasing state-of-the-art equipment and supplies, hiring new and specialized staff, and/or begin new areas of critical research.

The Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program fosters collaborations in both its physical and philosophical architecture. These partnerships are between senior and junior faculty in the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program and across disciplines. Gifts are maximized; for example, numerous investigators benefit from the purchase of key pieces of equipment or benefit from having additional specialized staff members.

Touring the Facility and Meeting the Faculty

The Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program is located on the campus of the University of Arizona on the 3rd floor of the Medical Research Building. This state-of-the-art facility opened in December of 2006; it is impressive in scale and scope of work. Call (520-626-1110) today to schedule a tour and learn more about how the faculty in the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program are working to end the devastation wrought by cardiovascular disease.

How Do I Make a Gift?

There are of the ways you may choose to make a gift. Gifts of cash, appreciated securities personal property or real estate can be used to make a contribution to the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program.

List of types of gifts.


Stories of Support

Wall of Recognition